Getting started

Installation and configuration

The package and its dependencies can be installed from PyPI via pip install -U django-gsheets-import. To use the package in your Django project, just add import_export and gsheets_import to the list of installed apps in your, i.e.

## in

In order for django-gsheets-import to work properly, it needs to be associated with an underlying Google Cloud Project (GCP). How to properly set up an appropriate GCP using the Google Cloud Console is described in more detail in the corresponding section. At this point, let us just note that all of the services needed are available in Google Cloud’s Free Tier, so that there is no need to set up a billing account. Assuming that a suitable GCP already exists, go to the Google Cloud Console and navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials. From there, copy an API key, as well as the desired OAuth Client ID and add them to your The required project number can be found under IAM & Admin > Settings and must also be added to, i.e.

## in
GSHEETS_IMPORT_API_KEY = '<Your API developers key>'
GSHEETS_IMPORT_APP_ID = '<Your project number>'

The package is now ready to be used with your Django project.

Features and usage

The django-gsheets-import package presented here strongly relies on the functionality provided by the django-import-export package. It extends that package by the option to allow the user to import data from their Google Sheets via the Django admin. The usage of django-gsheets-import is very similar to that of django-import-export, which is nicely documented here. It might also be instructive to have a look at the example Django project that ships with django-gsheets-import (see here for more details).

In short, integrating the Google Sheets import feature offered by django-gsheets-import into your Django project’s admin site is a two-step process:

  • Define a resource which determines how the fields of a given model translate to their import (and export) representations.

  • Define the admin interface of the considered model as a subclass of ImportGoogleModelAdmin or any of the other classes provided by the package’s admin submodule, namely ImportGoogleMixin, ImportGoogleExportModelAdmin, and ImportGoogleExportMixin.